Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Place to Begin- From the past

April 7, 2009

Have you ever noticed that the things we use to banish or remove negativity become changed in some way after prolonged use? The turquoise turns a dull ugly green color, the broom begins to look ratty and tattered.
Well, my old broom had seen better days. I purchased a new one to replace it several weeks ago and slowly began to strip the old one of all its glory, moving my handfasting cord to the new one, the feathers, the ribbon. Now my old broom was the one my husband and I jumped at our handfasting, but it was also the one I have functionally used to clear numerous circles since over a span of about eight years. It was time to lay it to rest.
Monday night I needed a pick me up, the last several days have worn on me with a slight backward swing of the universal pendulum. The cold snap and wind that came with it dropped a few branches from my big old oak tree, so I figured we would have a fire out back and make smores, my family and I- The Spider's Brood.
I loaded all three kids into the car for a quick trip to the store, they were all excited and laughing and caring on...exactly what I needed, I felt the gloomy cloud lifting from my shoulders and my steps became lighter as we went along getting marshmellows and graham crackers (we already had the chocolate at home).
Once home they all went about other things, well not really they all went about crowding around the computer to play "crafty craft war" as my daughter calls it.
Yes, we are a hopeless family of World of Warcraft players.
I went outside to prepare the fire for the evenings activities. There is something primal about building a fire that gives me a rush and sense of accomplishment that is hard to explain, it is just one of those mysteries that makes you stand back and smile and just feel good. I stood over the kindling calling to the Great Salamander of Fire to come and dance with me, I poured some of my own energy into the smouldering kindling and stepped aside, the flame burst, leapt about and greeted me warmly. I smiled, yes this is what I needed. I stood for awhile looking out across the expanse of yards and up into the trees, the wind blowing through my hair, the fire crackling beside me, the wind chimes singing above me. I took in deep breaths and felt close to the earth again.
After a while I called the kids out and we put marshmellows on all of our sticks and began the roasting. Some caught on fire as they always do, we all laughed and had a really good time. When they were all done and the last of the children finally wandered back inside seeking warmer activities, my husband remained and we tossed the old broom into the tongues of the flame. And that was that, with trailing glowing embers flying into the night the old gave way to the new.
We didnt say anything, we didnt need to. My husband gave me a squeeze and he went inside with the kids, leaving me outside, but far from alone. I had found my center again, I had regained my footing on my beautiful mother earth. This was a good night, a wonderful Monday Night Broom Funeral indeed!